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Case Results


Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol; Quincy District Court; Commonwealth v. C.I.; December 19, 2023

Braintree Police Officers were dispatched to investigate a report of a person passed out behind the wheel. When the investigating officers arrived on scene, they observed the Defendant inside of a vehicle with her head resting on the steering wheel. The Defendant was at first unresponsive and then presented as disoriented and confused. Once out of the car, the Defendant was unsteady on her feet, swayed side to side, and was stumbling around. The Defendant was thereafter slurring her words, was unable to do Field Sobriety Tests, and was arrested for the charged offense.

Attorney Ciraulo filed on behalf of the Defendant a Motion to Dismiss asserting that the there was no evidence the Defendant consumed or ingested alcohol. Attorney Ciraulo successfully argued that the case should be Dismissed and the Court agreed. 

Call Attorney Ciraulo now to learn how he can help you fight your case.

Jon A. Ciraulo

Attorney Ciraulo has the education, experience, and background to get results. Each and every day, Attorney Ciraulo and his team of former prosecutors aggressively scrutinize the conduct of the police, investigate each and every component of every case, and challenge the contentions of the prosecuting attorneys. When you are charged with a crime or are the subject of a criminal investigation, accept nothing less than excellence in criminal defense. Call Attorney Ciraulo today for a free consultation and let him summarize for you available defenses and outline for you how he will fight to win your case.
